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El Capitan Mitigation Property

Lakeside ceanothus in bloom

The El Capitan Mitigation Property is a 381 acre open space which has been set aside for the protection of the sensitive plant species Lakeside ceanothus.

The property was acquired by San Diego Gas and Electric as mitigation for one its projects. Ownership was subsequently transferred to the San Diego River Park Foundation so that it could be maintained in perpetuity in conformance with a Conservation Easement which was placed over the entire property.

Beyond Lakeside ceanothus, the Property holds a host of sensitive biological resources including golden eagles and coast horned lizards.  Activities on this property focus on the preservation, restoration and enhancement of native species and habitats. Access to this property requires advanced authorization by the San Diego River Park Foundation. A sign is located on the Property informing visitors that this property is not for general public use.

An added benefit of this land being set aside for the Lakeside ceanothus and other wildlife is that this property has been permanently conserved.

Volunteer opportunities are available to help care for and manage this beautiful preserve.

About Lakeside Ceanothus:

Lakeside ceanothus is an evergreen shrub that reaches up to 15 feet in height. It produces brilliant deep blue flowers from April to June. Lakeside ceanothus is only found in San Diego County and northern Baja California, Mexico.

Key Activities:
2016: A full census of Lakeside ceanothus was completed. Great news! From the earlier estimates of approximately 300 plants, the survey confirmed about 30,000 plants present on the mitigation property.
2016: Several seeps were identified and documented on the property.
2017: Rare and sensitive plant monitoring activities were completed in partnership with the San Diego Management and Monitoring Program and with the assistance of the Conservation Biology Institute. These activities show an expansion in the extents and increase in population of both Orcutt’s brodiea and Ramona horkelia.

Contact: Natalie Borchardt, SDRPF's Senior Preserve Manager at or 619-297-7380.

Golden Eagle
Golden Eagle



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